Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Sticky Wet Cake Layers Of Custard Apples

Sticky Wet Cake Layers Of Custard Apples - steadyeating.blogspot.co.id

One culture is so rich and famous in their respective areas i.e. culinary specialties. We know each region also has traditional specialties and has a characteristic that is so different in each respective area, and it tastes so delicious makes us want to continue, as i will help you to make the traditional cuisine, with recipes and tells how to make it.

This time it was a chef who loves traditional food specialties combining will introduce one food that is so typical in every region of the country. This food is very popular among the public, be it among adults, teenagers, and children.

Sticky Wet Cake Layers Of Custard Apples

I'II paint one food recipes and how to making it, so lovers of traditional specialties could making him at home in order to be in the sample by your family. Snack food typical of Wet Sticky Rice Cake Sandwich Archipelago Custard Apples.

Sticky Wet Cake Layers Of Custard Apples

Ingredients  :
* 250 g white sticky rice, wash, drain
* 1 sheet of pandan leaves, cut into pieces
* 300 ml coconut milk
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1 tbsp granulated sugar

Layers :
* 6 eggs chicken
* 2 tablespoons water pandan leaves sage
* 150 g granulated sugar
* 50 g rice flour
* 300 ml coconut milk

How To Make :
* Steamed sticky rice together with pandan leaves in the steaming heat until half done. lift.
* Mic coconut milk with salt and sugar
* pour into the hot sticky rice, stir-stir until blended.
* stand back to mature.Lift.
* While it is still hot, roll out in a baking dish
* layer whisk eggs together leaves sage, sugar and rice flour until blended.
* add the coconut milk, stir well.
* pour into the baking dish containing the sticky rice.
* steamed in steam heat for 30 minutes. Lift up and chill.
* cut into pieces. Serve. With 16 pieces.

Hopefully this information can be useful for all of us, a solution specifically conceived for those who want all cooking traditional specialties, but you don;t know how making it, so i gave the solution for you to provide cooking recipes and how to make it.
Thank you...
Culinary archipelago...
Good luck...
Enjoy the typical cuisine combining the archipelago...

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