Thursday, October 26, 2017

Pastel Fill Chicken

Pastel fill chicken -

One culture is so rich and famous in their respective areas i.e. culinary specialties. We know each region also has traditional specialties and has a characteristic that is so different in each respective area, and it tastes so delicious makes us want to continue to trust him. But you don't have to worry for the lovers of cuisine, as i will help you to make the traditional cuisine, with recipes and tells how to make it.

This time i as chefs who love snack food typical of traditional Malay archipelago and will introduce one food that is typical in every region of the country. This food is very popular among the public, be it among the adults, teenagers, and children.

Pastel Fill Chicken

I'II paint one food recipes and how making it, so lovers of traditional specialities could make him at home in order to be in the sample by your family. Food combining Pastels Fill the chicken.

Pastel Fill Chicken

Leather :
* 1 egg
* 3 tsp salt
* 3 tsp granulated sugar
* 1/2 flour, blue triangle
* 3 tbsp cooking oil, to soak the dough skin
* Ice water to taste

The stuffing ingredients :
* 100 g minced chicken or hard-boiled quail eggs
* 1 piece of carrot diced
* 2 potatoes diced
* 2 leeks, cut into fine strips
* 2 cloves finely chopped garlic
* 1/2 tsp pepper powder
* Salt and sugar to taste

How to make :
Mix all ingredients, pour the ice water bit by bit into the batter until the batter Kalis. Let dough approximately 35 minutes by cooking oil soaked ( the dough should be completely submerged ).
Saute until cooked filings.
Prepare your cutting board and roll pin, sprinkle with flour, grab the dough a little bit thin minced materials and give the stuffing. then form the dough runs out to do pastel. once it's fried until cooked.

Typical snack food Nusantara Pastels fill the chicken prepared in one's family to serve you. And good tasting.

But it's good if we consume more than enough, so we're not stricken with  disease like sugar. "So anything exaggeration is bad".

Hopefully this information can be useful for all of us, a solution specifically conceived for those who like to cook traditional food specialties once, but you don't know how making it, so i gave the solution for you to provide cooking recipes and how to make it.
Thank you...
Culinary archipelago...
Good luck...
Enjoy the typical cuisine combining the archipelago...

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